Here’s where countries stand on the Russia-Ukraine crisis

Diplomats and world leaders are engaged in a flurry of talks this week around the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, as many try to avert a major ground war in Europe.

The diplomacy comes as more than 100,000 Russian troops mass on Ukraine’s border, even as Russia insists it has no plans to invade.

Russia has demanded that the United States and NATO not expand their military alliance eastward. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a political newcomer who now finds himself in the middle of high-stakes brinkmanship, has appealed for calm.

The United States and Britain are readying troops to bolster nearby NATO forces. Fissures have emerged in Europe’s largely united front. China has grown cozier with Russia — but it still has reasons to oppose renewed war in Ukraine.

Here’s a guide to the positions of major international players in the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

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