Bilibili Invests in Film and Television Company, CAN BOX

(Source: CAN BOX)

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Tianyancha App shows that Shanghai CAN BOX Culture Communication Co., Ltd. has made a registration change with the Industrial and Commercial Administration. Shanghai Bilibili Technology Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of Bilibili, has been added as a new shareholder.

CAN BOX was established in 2014 with a registered capital of 6,256,400 yuan. Its business scope includes corporate image planning, convention and exhibition services, and development of network information and communication equipment.

The company was able to  secure tens of millions of yuan in a round B of financing at the end of 2017. As a film and television producer, it has  released videos dealing with lifestyle, food, home, travel, and other hobbies.

SEE ALSO: Bilibili Obtains Ownership of Comic Platform Youyaoqi

On We Media, it posts many video series such as “Cat’s Kitchen”, “Cat’s Travel”, and “What I Want”. Since released in 2013, views of Cat’s Kitchen videos have exceeded 7 billion, and article views have exceeded 500 million. Video maker Jiang Xuan defined Cat’s Kitchen as the themed expression of the relationship between food and people. It’s about family, experience, and subtle emotions.

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