What is the public position that the influencer Mariana Rodríguez will occupy in Nuevo León

Mariana Rodríguez rechazó el puesto de presidenta del DIF (Foto: Instagram/samuelgarcias)

Mariana Rodríguez rejected the position of president of the DIF (Photo: Instagram / samuelgarcias)

The influencer and businesswoman María Rodríguez Cantú will have a public position in one of the new government offices of Nuevo León, headed by her husband, Samuel García.

It is worth mentioning that the influencer rejected the position in the National System for the Integral Development of Families ( DIF ), a since they commonly occupy the spouse s of the agents. This is what she said about it to the press:

“Being honorary president of the DIF is a very traditional position that is He assigns him to the governor’s wife, as if to give him something, and I think I have more capacity and much more to give. ”

Una de las metas de Mariana es ser la empresaria más exitosa de México. (Foto: Instagram/Samuelgarcias)

One of Mariana’s goals is to be an entrepreneur most successful in Mexico. (Photo: Instagram / Samuelgarcias)

Therefore, he pointed out that will work on the activities of all secretariats universally. “My office will be on par with the governor” , he affirmed.

Samuel García in his government has planned the management of three cabinets, the names are: Generation of Sustainable Wealth , the Good Governance and Social Equality . In addition, he wants 17 secretariats , as well as representations of the Executive of Nuevo León in the abroad and in Mexico City.

In this sense, Mariana Rodríguez will be the one who coordinates the three cabinets from her office who will work alongside the governor .

The new administrative unit called “Amar a Nuevo León” is included in the Article 21 of the recent Organic Law of the Public Administration of the State.

Mariana Rodríguez se encargará de la gestión de tres gabinetes que contempla el Gobierno de Nuevo León. (Captura de pantalla: Instagram)

Mariana Rodríguez will be in charge of the management of three cabinets contemplated by the Government of Nuevo León. (Screenshot: Instagram)

The article establishes that “the person who holds the Executive Power will have the following Administrative Units: Executive Office; Loving Nuevo León; Private secretary; Legal Counsel; Proyect Management; Representation of the State in Mexico City; State Information System; and Communication ”, the incumbents are appointed directly by the Executive.

The proposal of the emecist governor for the increase from 12 to 17 the Secretariats of your state was approved by the Nuevo León Congress with 41 votes in favor and one against, through The Law Organic of the Public Administration.

In an interview for Millennium , the businesswoman said that in the future if it is to help, the option to contend would not go unnoticed for a public position.

It has put me in places that I did not think so soon; If at some point I consider it or I jump into something, as long as it is to help and that it is something that I want and that no one imposes on me, then we will do it ”

Rodríguez actualmente en su Instagram cuenta con 1.9 millones de seguidores 1.9 millones de seguidores.  (Foto: Instagram/@marianardzcantu)

Rodríguez currently on his Instagram account with 1.9 million followers 1.9 million followers. (Photo: Instagram / @ marianardzcantu)

Rodríguez Cantú was born on August 19, 1995, after his famous phrase “phospho, phospho” became more viral on social networks , but for a couple of years she has been an influencer, as well as a businesswoman.

She studied at the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores Monterrey , the career of organizational psychology. She is the daughter of a businessman and a teacher. When she was a child she was a dance assistant, which she called her first job, at the age of 14 she started modeling a Due to the fact that one of her aunts will invite her to a photo session and later they contacted her to hire her.

In one of her videos that she shared about 50 things about her, she mentioned that she would like to be one of the largest and most successful businesswomen in Mexico. He runs his brand of beauty products “ Mar Cosmetics Co”.


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