Canon Zoemini S2 has been officially announced! The newest model in the range of instant printer cameras

Canon Zoemini S2 has been officially announced! The newest model in the range of cameras with instant printer

Canon has launched a new device today, dedicated to creative people and content creators. The Zoemini S2 compact device is equipped with an instant printer and allows users to capture action, edit and print images easily, wherever they are. Details about the new Canon Zoemini S2 camera are below.

It is worth mentioning that it is not the first device of this kind of the Canon. Zoemini S2 is the successor to the Zoemini S model, launched a year ago. The new model does not have a screen, in the front being placed a mirror for framing the image. It is light, weighing only 188 grams, and the photo sensor has 8 MP and F / 2.2 aperture.

Canon Zoemini S2 can connect via Bluetooth to smartphones with iOS or Android for framing the image, but also for editing and printing images easily. The Canon Mini Print application comes with filters for intense colors, for a vintage look, but also a black and white one. The exposure and white level are adjusted automatically, and photos can be customized before printing using the application.

It can store up to 10 sheets of zinc, and printing photos is easy. If users forget to feed paper, the device also comes with a MicroSD card slot. This saves photos and can be printed later. Zinc photo paper can also be used to customize objects or paste photos easily.

Battery 700 mAh allows you to shoot and print up to 25 photos. The Canon Zoemini S2 comes in shades such as gold pink, pearl white and dark turquoise. Its price has not been revealed yet, but you can find more details about the new instant printer camera here !

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