Mike Tyson Says ‘Hell Yeah’ He’d Fight Logan Paul, Envisions $100 Mil Payday

Mike Tyson ‘Hell Yeah’ I’d Fight Logan Paul … Envisions $100 Mil Payday

10/1/2021 3:28 PM PT

First, Floyd Mayweather … next, Mike Tyson??

That very well could be a reality for Logan Paul … ’cause Iron Mike says he’s now down to box the YouTube star — claiming the fight could earn the two a fortune!!

Tyson revealed on his latest episode of “Hotboxin’ With Mike Tyson” that he’d have zero issues stepping into the ring with either Logan or Jake Paul … adding the scrap could net a $100 million payday.

“Hell yeah,” Tyson said when rapper Freddie Gibbs asked if he’d box the two YouTube stars. “That would be a lot of money.”

Tyson seems to think boxing Logan would make more sense than fighting Jake … considering the elder Paul bro is a bit heavier.

As for if Logan would do it … Tyson certainly thinks so — telling Gibbs, “For $100 million bucks, they’d do anything. They don’t care about getting beat up.”

Tyson — who’s coming off a great performance against Roy Jones Jr. — had previously told us he was eyeing Lennox Lewis for his next bout.

But, if Logan’s down … seems Tyson would have no problem moving on to that tilt.

Ya listenin’, Logan??

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