Hmm… Julia Fox deletes Kanye West snaps & unfollows fan accounts

Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, and Julia Fox have all been trending topics for the last few weeks as people try to wrap their heads around the latest development. Just a few days ago, Kanye shot to the top of social media trends after he went on a bizarre IG rant.

Shortly after that, his new girlfriend Julia Fox deleted his snaps from her Instagram and also unfollowed a few of their fan accounts. Here’s why…

Julia Fox ‘distances’ herself from Kanye…

Julia Fox went from being low-key and out of the spotlight until she started dating rapper Kanye, the estranged husband of reality TV star, Kim Kardashian.

Ever since then, her every move has been monitored as people watch closely what will become of her and Kanye’s relationship. This is why it comes as no surprise that many people were raising their eyebrows when Julia suddenly deleted some snaps of herself and Kanye from her Instagram.

She also reportedly unfollowed a bunch of Juliye fan accounts. Naturally, many people assumed it was over for the couple and started asking questions – which Julia surprisingly answered.

Taking to her IG stories she explained that she had deleted the photos and unfollowed certain pages because she was “tired of seeing herself.”

ALSO READ: Not just a rebound? Julia Fox shares sexy snap of her and Kanye

She also added that Instagram suddenly wasn’t a fun place anymore. She also says that she grew tired of people judging the photos that she shared of herself and Kanye.

“Guys relax, I unfollowed the fan accounts because I was tired of seeing myself. Suddenly Instagram was not a fun place anymore. I took the fucking photos down because I read the comments and everyone was like, ‘Oh my god, you clearly only posted photos you looked good in.’”

Trouble in paradise

Meanwhile, Julia has had to watch as Kanye ranted about his estranged wife’s parenting skills while the world watched. Kanye took to Insta to criticised Kim for allowing North to get TikTok.

He also said that he was accused of trying to kill Kim – something he is clearly denying. He has since deleted all of his rant posts from his page.

ALSO READ: Who is Kanye West’s new ‘girlfriend’? Five things to know about Julia Fox

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