Elon Musk says the world of cryptocurrencies is here to stay

We’ve been on the carousel of cryptocurrencies for some years, yet, whenever there is a drop in the appreciation of these currencies, someone comes to say that “IT IS THE END, IT WILL END”.

Well… That’s not what we’ve seen, and according to Elon Musk, virtual coins aren’t going anywhere!

    • Elon Musk says the world of cryptocurrencies is here to stay

    mundo das criptomoedas

    Therefore , according to Tesla CEO, the very foul-mouthed Elon Musk, the only thing the financial market can do is just delay the development and dissemination of cryptocurrencies.

      They don’t really go anywhere! It is a world that will continue to grow over time.

      In other words, according to Musk, it is now completely impossible to destroy cryptocurrencies, a claim that is obviously a response to the recent actions of the Chinese government.

      After all, according to him, as long as the world has failed financial systems, there will always be someone looking for an alternative. And in the case of cryptocurrencies, there are many benefits that simply cannot be ignored, even serving as a burden on the “great powers”.

      Cryptocurrencies cannot be destroyed, but their evolution can be delayed.

    While Tesla’s CEO believes that virtual coins are here to stay, he also believes that many efforts are being made to delay its global evolution, as has been the case of China, which has been doing everything for everything to make any and all types of cryptocurrency illegal in the country.

    Within this theme, when asked about the interference of the North American government in the evolution of this financial market, Musk just told the leaders to be quiet.

    This type of speech, coming from Elon Musk, it’s not even a big deal. But the part of this world being now indestructible, it’s very likely that you’re quite right.

    Besides, what do you think about all this? Do you have any kind of virtual currency? Please share with us your opinion in the comments below.


    Nuno Miguel Oliveira
    https:// www.facebook.com/theGeekDomz/

    Since I was very young I became interested in computers and technology in general, I had my first PC at 10 years old and at 15 years old I built my first tower, since then I have never stopped. Whatever technology is, I’m in the front row to find out more.

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