Ford Could Use an Escape Room Game to Educate New EV Drivers



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Automakers want electric cars to feel futuristic, and they often meet this goal by cramming new and unfamiliar features in their EVs. Unfortunately, only a handful of dorky drivers will take the time to learn these new features. That’s why Ford hopes to “gameify” the new car experience with an educational escape room game.

Developed by Ford of Europe, the Escape Car game concept gently pushes Mustang Mach-E drivers to learn about their car. Escape Car might ask you to turn on your headlights or activate your seat warmers to communicate with in-game “spies,” for example.

Interestingly, Ford believes that Escape Car could teach young people safe driving skills. In a video demonstrating the concept, Escape Car asks a driver to head toward a destination and warns that speeding may hurt their chances of winning. It’s easy to see how this game could teach beginners’ driving skills, like parallel parking or maintaining a safe distance from other vehicles.

Ford also notes that the game could entertain passengers or keep people happy while their car charges. And just to be clear, you can leave your car at any time while playing Escape Car. It’s not a “real” escape room game.

Escape Car is still just a concept, though Ford is clearly searching for a fun way to bring its customers up to speed with new vehicle technology. Ford hasn’t clarified whether Escape Car will become a real game or not.

Source: Ford Europe via Electrek

Andrew Heinzman

Andrew Heinzman

Andrew is a writer for Review Geek and its sister site, How-To Geek. Like a jack-of-all-trades, he handles the writing and image editing for a mess of tech news articles, daily deals, product reviews, and complicated explainers.
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