AEW Rampage Results: Winners, Grades, Reaction and Highlights from October 1

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    Credit: All Elite Wrestling

This week’s episode of AEW Rampage had three big matches on the card, including one that had serious consequences for the loser.

After Kenny Omega refused to give him a rematch, Bryan Danielson challenged any member of The Elite to step up and face him. Nick Jackson was the one to answer the call.

The women’s division had three of its most dangerous competitors in the same ring when Thunder Rosa, Nyla Rose and Jade Cargill competed in a Triple Threat match.

However, the stakes were low in those bouts compared to the hair vs. hair match between Jack Evans of HFO and Orange Cassidy of Best Friends. 

Let’s take a look at everything that happened on Friday’s show. 

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    Rampage usually started with its biggest match, and this week was no different with Danielson and Nick of The Young Bucks kicking things off. Matt Jackson and Brandon Cutler were there to provide backup even though Danielson was solo. 

    They locked up and traded shoulder tackles before Nick used his quickness to avoid The American Dragon. As he used some of his cold spray, Danielson laid him out with a suicide dive. 

    He put Nick in a surfboard submission and pulled his head back into a dragon sleeper. They continued to trade control back and forth, but Danielson soon established his dominance by grounding the tag team champion in several submissions. 

    Matt took some cheap shots at Danielson while the ref was distracted. After a commercial break, Nick was still in the driver’s seat. Danielson became angry and unloaded on Nick with a litany of chops, kicks and knees. 

    Nick avoided a kick on the apron and Danielson’s leg hit the ring post. Buck No. 1 hit a German suplex on the apron followed by an Escalera from the top rope to the floor. Cutler ate a boot from Nick when The American Dragon avoided the impact. Danielson locked in the Cattle Mutilation for the submission win. 

    Grade: B+


    This was a good match with a steady pace and some solid technical work from both competitors, but the ringside shenanigans were a bit much at times. 

    The bout didn’t have the same level of urgency as Danielson vs. Kenny Omega, but it didn’t need to. This performance felt completely different in a good way.

    We will likely see Danielson continue to battle various members of The Super Elite until The Cleaner gives him the rematch he wants. Matt will probably be his opponent next week unless Tony Khan wants to give Cutler some ring time. 

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    The second match of the night was the Triple Threat with Rose, Cargill and Rosa. The former NWA women’s champion hit the first few strikes to both opponents, but The Native Beast caught her in a crossbody and dropped her with a slam. 

    Cargill broke up the pin and had a verbal exchange with Rose before they started exchanging blows. Cargill hit a kick to the face and clotheslined her out of the ring. 

    Rosa came flying off the top rope with a dropkick as the show went to a break. We returned to see a trash can in the ring and a table set up at ringside. Rosa put the can on top of Cargill and dropkicked it into her body. Rose barely made it back in the ring to break up the pin. 

    Rose picked up Rosa and put her on the top turnbuckle near the table. Rosa slipped out and powerbombed her through the table. 

    Cargill ended up getting the win after hitting Rosa with a chair several times. 

    Grade: C+


    Seeing these wrestlers take full advantage of the Triple Threat stipulation by using weapons helped make this bout feel more competitive and a little more important. There were no real stakes, but they made it feel like their pride was on the line.

    There wasn’t much in the way of technical wrestling here. This was a nasty fight and all three women looked great at different points.

    The only thing that kept it from being better was some of the awkward moments. Cargill is still a little green, so some of the moves she hits don’t look as smooth as they will once she has more experience.

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    During the pre-match promo, Cassidy seemed unaware that his hair was on the line. Once he found out, he said he wouldn’t lose. 

    Matt Hardy tried to distract the ref and Cassidy so Evans could steal the win with a roll-up, but OC kicked out and put his hands in his pockets to show his apathy toward everything. 

    Cassidy swung him around by his hair. While Evans kept the ref looking the other way, Hardy pulled Cassidy out of the ring and beat him down. Evans came out and hit a 450 from the apron. 

    We returned from a commercial to see Evans get a few near-falls with different moves. He dragged Cassidy to the corner but missed a corkscrew moonsault.

    Freshly Squeezed hit a unique DDT before he hit a diving DDT from the top rope. Private Party, Angelico, The Butcher, The Blade and The Bunny came out to join Hardy, but Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta and Kris Statlander stood in their path. 

    OC was able to hit the Orange Punch for the pin and the win. Taylor stood at the ready with a chair and clippers. The Dark Order prevented HFO from getting involved. They left Evans high and dry while his hair was chopped off. 

    Grade: C+


    While we know Evans and Cassidy both have the ability to put on decent matches, this was simply a comedic performance. They never even tried to get out of second gear until after the commercial break. 

    This was never going to be a five-star classic, but it definitely could have been better considering the skills of the men involved. Evans almost seemed like he was holding back. Once again, AEW relied too much on the stuff happening outside the ring. 

    Ending the show with Best Friends and The Dark Order sharing a huge with Brodie Jr. was a nice touch. 

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