Three more COVID-19 deaths reported for Feb. 9, as the total case count breaks 10,000 mark

More local deaths have been reported since the New Year than in all of 2021 and 2020

As Sudbury passed the 10,000-case count milestone, Public Health Sudbury and Districts also reported three new COVID-related deaths have occurred. This puts the total number of local COVID deaths at 95 that have been recorded since the outbreak began in March of 2020. 

This means 48 deaths have been reported since the New Year. There were 47 total COVID-related deaths in the Sudbury jurisdiction for all of 2021 and 2020. 

Also, Sudbury’s Health Sciences North (HSN) reported there are now 46 active COVID-19 patients in the hospital, with seven of them in the Intensive Care Unit. There are 167 new COVID cases in the community, said Public Health Sudbury and Districts (PHSD) on Monday. 

This report includes numbers for two days — Tuesday and Wednesday. Public Health Sudbury and Districts (PHSD) no longer reports COVID case counts on weekends or on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The total number of COVID cases locally has reached 10,110 in the past 23 months. The number of resolved cases in that same time period is 9497, which means there are currently 613 active cases. More complete details are included on the daily COVID-19 public health summary.

As for the possible location of the new cases, PHSD said 134 new cases were reported to have occurred in the Greater Sudbury area, 11 new cases in the rural Sudbury district and 22 new cases for the Manitoulin district. 

PHSD also reported general demographics each day about the age groups for people who are becoming infected.

Epidemiological data showed that the majority of local cases are persons in the 20 to 39 age category with 3,679 total cases (An increase of 59 cases).

The next highest number was 2,492 for the 40-59 age group (An increase of 55).

There were also 2,102 cases for the 19 and under age group (An increase of 26).

Seniors in the 60 to 79 age group amounted to 1,246 cases total (An increase of 22). 

People aged 80 and over are currently the lowest category with 580 cases (An increase of five).

In the Not Specified category, there were 11 cases. No change since Monday.  

Note: The numbers above might not correspond to other numbers being reported because the health unit does not report fresh numbers daily, as they happen. Some of the numbers are delayed.

With respect to COVID-19 testing, PHSD said there have been 387,961 total tests carried out locally since the pandemic began; an increase of 1,725 new tests since Monday’s report. 

With respect to vaccination numbers, PHSD is now reporting percentages of people vaccinated rather than doses given. The percentage of area residents who are now fully vaccinated translates to 79.9 per cent of all people in the PHSD area. 

The Sudbury health unit is reporting 16 separate outbreaks in the city, a decrease from Monday. This includes seven separate outbreaks at the hospital. There are outbreaks at several long-term care homes and congregate living homes in the city. More details can be found on the daily COVID summary page. Just scroll to the bottom of the summary page to COVID-19 Outbreaks. It also includes locations where outbreaks have been declared over.

Also, at Sudbury’s Health Sciences North, there were 46 patients with confirmed COVID-19 at the hospital, the hospital website reported. Seven of those COVID patients were in the intensive care unit. There were 10 other patients being investigated (tested) for COVID-19. One of those 10 patients was in the ICU.

On the provincial COVID-19 roster today, the Ontario government daily website reported 3,162 newly confirmed COVID-19 cases across the province. This includes 413 COVID patients in intensive care. Also today, the province reported 65 new COVID-19 deaths.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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