‎Real images of Moto G31, come through NCC certification, launch looks imminent‎

The actual Moto G31 photos available from NCC revealed that it is equipped with a hole screen with a pronounced lower bezel.

‎It is said that Motorola is working on an intermediary phone calledMoto G31, which will succeed the Moto G30 that was made official earlier this year. The Moto G31 was recently approved by authorities such as the Wi-Fi Alliance, the NBTC of Thailand and the EEC of Europe. The device has now received approval from the Taiwan NCC authority. The certification revealed the real images and the main features of the smartphone.‎

‎The real photos of the Moto G31 available at the NCC revealed that it is equipped with a hole screen with a pronounced lower bezel. The device’s top bezel has a 3.5mm audio output and a microphone. Its left side has a SIM card slot and its right has three buttons, which can be a dedicated button for the Assistant Google, a volume button and an on/off button.‎

‎A bottom frame of the Moto G31 has a microphone , a USB-C port and a speaker grid. A fingerprint scanner appears to be integrated with the Motorola logo located on its rear panel. A triple camera unit appears to be present in the upper left corner of the back of the phone. A closer look at the camera reveals that it is equipped with a 50 megapixel main camera.‎

‎An image of the battery of the Moto G31 is also available from NCC. It reveals that the phone can be supported by a 4,850mAh battery. The image of your charger suggests that it may support 10W charging. The other certifications revealed that it can come preloaded with the operating system Android 11.‎

‎The other details of Moto G31 still remain a secret, for now. Now that the smartphone has received some important certifications, everything seems to indicate that the Moto G31 may become official later this month.‎

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Graduated in Informatics / Multimedia I have been working for 10 years in Logistics in the Automotive Branch. I have a passion for New Technologies, I grew up with computers and technologies always present, I watched the evolution until today and I continue to absorb as much information as possible. I am a Tech Junkie. Addicted to Smartphones and of course AndroidGeek.pt

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