Christopher Jackson interview: How geologists can fight climate change

Geologists have a reputation for facilitating the extraction of minerals and fossil fuels, says Christopher Jackson. Now we must use our expertise to find sources of renewable energy


2 February 2022

By Abigail Beall

New Scientist Default Image

Jennie Edwards

FROM the breathtaking Atlas mountains in Morocco to the expansive deserts of the US, Christopher Jackson’s work has taken him to some incredible places. Incredible and sometimes risky, too: he has been held at gunpoint and put in prison in the line of duty. Why does he do it? Just for the sake of a few old rocks.

Geologists might have a long list of adventure stories to recite and an enviable set of stamps in their passports, but Jackson says that in many people’s eyes, they don’t have a good reputation. After all, they often use their knowledge …

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