BBC Hausa unveils new show programme to promote young, women rights

The BBC Hausa team has declared readiness to start its maiden social media broadcast programme tagged: “Mahangar Zamani” to tackle issues that affect youths, women and the girl-child.

This is contained in a statement by BBC Hausa team Saturday, in Abuja.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Mahangar Zamani (Contemporary periscope) is a new YouTube show from the BBC Hausa team targeted at young and female audiences.

The statement said that Mahangar Zamani, a 25-minutes weekly TV-programme would focus trending topics that promote rights of women and young people.

“This unique programme hosted by Madina Maishanu, a multimedia journalist, who played key role in the BBC Hausa social media team, will be tailored to promote engagement of the girl-child through BBC Hausa’s digital platforms.

“Mahangar Zamani is a dream come true, because the programme will bring to the forefront opportunities to find the solutions to issues about women and youth’s fundamental rights in the society,” said.

The statement further quoted the editor of the Hausa Service, Aliyu Tannko, saying that Mahangar Zamani programme would help to give young and women, a voice securing their rights in modern society.

“We want to give our audiences a fresh perspective and an opportunity to freely debate important topics,” Tanko said.

noted that the first episode of the programme targets lecturer/student relationship in universities, while the second episode is centered feminism.

It said that the programme would be broadcast the BBC Hausa YouTube channel and Facebook platform, to promote ’s access to discussion about rights issues.

It, however, urged who are interested in the programme to log on #MahangarZamanio or in the bi-weekly editions.


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