Marks Electrical Winners Enjoy New Dimension

Three lucky households are now enjoying television viewing in a completely new dimension, thanks to Leicester electrical retailer, Marks Electrical.

The King Richards Road-based electrical superstore, who this year celebrate their 25th year in business, awarded three winners the incredible Winner 01 Marks Electrical Winners Enjoy New Dimensionprize of a 51-inch Samsung 3D television, in addition to a copy of Dreamworks’ ‘Megamind’ on DVD and an additional four pair of 3D glasses each, following a week-long competition ran on the company’s Facebook page.

Entrants were encouraged to take photos of themselves, friends or families in front of – or incorporating – the famous Marks Electrical branding, with the results providing some unusual, often humorous, results.

From posing in front of the Marks Electrical Family Stand at Leicester City Football Club’s King Power Stadium, through to the creation of a host of costumes and scenarios, the staff at Marks Electrical were spoilt for choice when it came to deciding the three lucky winners.

Congratulations to Caroline Elmhirst (whose daughter Eloise dressed up as a Samsung TV, right), Kelly McIntyre and Joshua Brookes (who ‘borrowed’ a projector from work before plastering the below on his house) – who were all voted winners for their innovative and amusing photos, as shown below. All three winners received their prizes immediately after and were understandably delighted to have won a hotly-contested competition.

I was absolutely blown away by the delivery service and speed from Marks Electrical,” said winner Joshua.

“Delivery email and text received yesterday, 1:00-3:00pm slot. Got a call whilst out walking the dog at 12:00pm to say the van was outside the house. Thank you so much to Marks Electrical for the opportunity to win such an amazing prize.”

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