Unemployment lowest in Salzburg

More employed young people

Over 338,000 people in Austria without a job

Arbeitslos, Wirtschaft, Arbeitslosigkeit, SB APA / GEORG HOCHMUTH According to AMS board member Johannes Kopf, unemployment in Austria is falling ” at incredible speed “continues. (SYMBOL IMAGE)

Published: October 01, 2021 10:25 a.m. Updated: October 01, 2021 11:33 am

According to the AMS board, unemployment in Austria is falling Johannes Kopf continues “with unbelievable speed”: In September 338,514 people were registered with the AMS as unemployed or in training. Salzburg currently has the lowest unemployment in Austria.

Compared to the end of September 2020, this is a decrease of more than 70,000 people or 17.2 percent. Compared to September 2019, unemployment is only slightly above the pre-Corona period by around 4,000 people due to the increasing number of training courses. Specifically, 269,250 people were registered as unemployed with the AMS, a decrease of 22.4 percent compared to the same month last year. There are also 69,264 participants in training courses, an increase of 11.8 percent compared to the same month last year.

Unemployment in Austria is falling

With around 114,000 vacancies registered with the AMS, there are more job offers for job seekers than ever in the previous autumn, according to the AMS board of directors. With 44,000 positions filled in one month, the number of vacancies continues to show great dynamism. It is also looking good for the apprentices: 7,300 apprenticeship seekers are currently facing more than 11,000 vacant apprenticeships across Austria.

Unemployment lowest in Salzburg

The AMS currently estimates the unemployment rate in Salzburg at 3.5 percent in a broadcast. This means that the state has the lowest unemployment in Austria. 9,632 people are currently registered as unemployed, 33.5 percent fewer than a year ago and 11.2 percent fewer than in September 2019. The development among young people up to the age of 24 is encouraging: Here, the number of unemployed has increased compared to Previous year almost halved.

PDF: Details on unemployment in Salzburg

There are currently 1,177 young people registered as unemployed, which is 22.3 percent less than in September 2019 – i.e. before the corona crisis. The downside is the number of long-term unemployed, many of whom have completed compulsory schooling as the highest level of education: currently 1,567 people are registered with the AMS for over a year. An increase of 44.3 percent compared to 2019.

(Source: APA)

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