Those gretini in the square without knowing why

October 1, 2021 – 3:12 pm

Slogans, disconnected phrases and dirty walls. The environmentalists of the future take to the streets

Quei gretini in piazza senza sapere perché

Why did we smear the bag with red fingerprints from our hands? I don’t know, we have seen others doing it and we have imitated them “. So replies a young high school student, one of the thousands who took to the streets in Milan for the umpteenth edition of the strikes of the Fridays for Future . This time, however, it is different because leading the stream that blocks the roads is Greta Thunberg , the environmental godmother for excellence. But the impression is that the little lesson has not been learned properly by his “disciples”.

It is therefore natural to wonder if they know something more than what they have read on the internet or seen in series that Netflix has dedicated to the Swedish activist. So we ask. We just have to slip among the protesters for a few minutes and ask a couple of questions to find out how poorly informed these young defenders of the planet are. They seem more concerned with dancing to the notes of “ Bella Ciao “, as has made the same Greta at the head of the parade, or “50 special” in the rear. To wave signs written with irony, when they do not lead directly into vulgarity, while a voice lashes out against Eni from the megaphone. Others define Unicredit “ an armed bank ” which “ is enriched with weapons and oil “. What did they mean? A confused nebula of ideas, into which the No Tav slogans also slip. Leaflets in favor of the cannabis referendum also appear. Anything goes. Perhaps, instead of the squares, many of these small environmentalists would have done better to occupy the classrooms.

Classrooms that have instead deserted to follow Greta Thunberg and Vanessa Nakate . Nakate, 24, from Ugandan, is a sort of “new Greta”. The reader who has never heard of it does not worry: it is in good company. Even the guys who followed her had no idea who she was. Textual dialogue. Question: “ Why do Greta and Vanessa inspire you? “, answer: “ Who is Vanessa? “. And luckily these are the same guys who should change the future and save the planet. Of many of them it could be said that they have capacity (and will, that is not lacking), but they do not apply. In short, even the animators of these Fridays for the environment sometimes fall into “bla bla bla” like those rulers who accuse of sloth. With the difference that, as recalled Mario Draghi , “our bla bla bla serves to convince people that action is necessary. “

And if all this is not enough, just look up. On the steps of Piazza Affari, in the shadow of the emblematic mean of Cattelan, two dozen demonstrators in white overalls have set up tents and sleeping bags to “challenge” the multinationals. Above their heads hangs a banner: “Either the bag or the life”. The protest is, in their intentions, a way to “ block with their own bodies ” trade and stop – they say – the consumption of fossil fuels. They wave flags, they scream. When they leave, a group of high school students come to take over and replace the rhetoric of the word with the symbolic force of the gesture. The red palms of paint leave their imprints on the marble of the facade of Palazzo Mezzanotte. It is not clear whose “beautiful” idea is, the fact is that there is no shortage of imitators. Although within seconds they admit: “ Maybe I wouldn’t do it again “. Pure emulative spirit, fundamental ingredient of any rebellion. The justification is simple: “ One can be rude when it comes to a good cause “. After all, someone liked to say that he knew about the subject, “ the revolution is not a gala dinner “. Yesterday was the red book, now it’s the red hands. Fortunately, violence today is done only to the aesthetic sense.

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