Tottenham Hotspur star Harry Kane strikes late to dent Manchester City title confidence (Video)

Saturday was a rather shocking evening for everyone who believed the Premier League title race had already been decided.

Tottenham Hotspur had a one-goal lead cancelled out by Manchester City at the Etihad twice, the second time being a 92nd-minute penalty taken by Riyad Mahrez.

But Harry Kane made sure his team still walked away with all three points in the bag.

Never write us off ❌

— Tottenham Hotspur (@SpursOfficial) February 19, 2022


Veselin Trajkovic

Vesko is a football writer that likes to observe the game for what it is, focusing on teams, players and their roles, formations, tactics, rather than stats. He follows the English Premier League closely, Liverpool FC in particular. His articles have been published on seven different football blogs.

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