Lupin III Part 6 Episode 20: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online

Episode 19 of Lupin III, part 6, titled “Fake Calls for a Lie, Part 2,” is the latest installment of the anime.

This episode shifted its focus towards Yata and Ariana’s teamwork which might blossom into a relationship. They managed to clear Zenigata’s name, and Ari figured out the real culprit behind Hazel’s murder.

With a twist of events, it was revealed that the seemingly sweet and innocent Mattea was actually behind the murder. While being interrogated by Ari, Mattea showed her evil side and strangled her interrogator using her bracelet.

When Zenigata and Yata found Ari collapsed in the hotel hallway, she gave them a recording of her conversation and asked them to send it to Lupin.

What is Mattea planning, and how does this case involve Lupin? We’ll find out in the next episode.

Episode 20 Speculation

Ariana and Mattea’s conversation ended with the latter strangling Ari. When she was found by Yata and Zenigata injured, she told them to send the recording of her conversation to Lupin.

We know that the common link between Hazel, Lupin, and Ari is that they were taught by the same tutor, Tomoe.

Lupin III Part 6 Episode 20: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Yata & Zenigata | Source: IMDb

It seems like Mattea is targeting Tomoe’s students because she first killed Hazel, then seriously injured Ari, and now Ari wants to let Lupin know about their conversation.

Is Lupin going to her Mattea’s next target? More importantly, who exactly is Mattea, and does she, too, have a history with Tomoe?

I think that we might have to wait for these answers since the preview of the next episode glimpsed at the story revolving around Fujiko and another girl’s heist. 

Episode 20 Release Date

Episode 20 of the Lupin III, part 6 anime, titled “Two Terrible Ladies”, will be released on Saturday, Feb 26, 2022.

1. Is Lupin III Part 6 on Break this Week?

No, episode 20 of Lupin III part 6 is not on a break and will continue as scheduled.

Episode 19 Recap

Zenigata silently sits inside a holding cell while his juniors defend him and try to get him out of jail. Yata yells at the Cotornican officers, saying that Zenigata was at Hazel’s place to catch Lupin.

The chief inspector states that maybe Zenigata snapped and killed her because he’s been trying to catch Lupin for years and still hasn’t succeeded.

Yata loses his temper, but Ariana manages to control him. The officers tell that unless they have substantial evidence to clear his name, Zenigata will remain locked up.

Lupin III Part 6 Episode 20: Release Date, Speculation, Watch Online
Yata & Arianna | Source: Fandom

Yata and Ariana then visit Zenigata in his cell and give him an update on Cotornica’s current situation.

The country’s expressways, train lines, and airlines have restricted travel, and many people are panicked. They ask Zenigata to stay put and reassure him that he will report the matter to the HQ.

In New York, Lupin, Jigen, and Goemon are reading the news of Hazel’s death and Zenigata’s arrest. Jigen expresses how it’s evident that the inspector is innocent.

Lupin isn’t too worried, though, since Yata and Ariana are there to help Zenigata.

We cut to Yata and Ariana investigating the murder scene. They don’t find any inconsistencies in the timeline and decide to ask the Cotornica officials for the reports of the evidence they collected.

They’re attacked by some goons who used to work for Hazel on the way back, and Yata’s arm gets stabbed. Luckily, Ariana also starts fighting back, and the two manage to hand the goons over to the police. 

As the two start examining the evidence, Ariana discovers that Hazel’s tutor, Tomoe, was the same person who taught her.

A young female officer informs them that Selim, a man who previously blackmailed Hazel, was being questioned regarding the case. The two then raid Selim’s den and discover some pictures he took of Hazel to create deep fakes for the blackmail.

They use these pictures to clear Zenigata’s name and get him out of jail. This case brings Yata and Ariana quite close, but Ariana gets a little disappointed because she assumes that her partner thinks that she needs to be protected.

To prove capabilities, Ariana examines the pictures closely and notices that someone in white overalls was spotted near Hazel’s place. She zooms in to the person’s hand and spots them wearing a bracelet similar to Mattea’s.

She drives off to Mattea’s hotel the next day and leaves a note for Yata. Worried about her safety, Yata calls her, and Ariana tells him that she is at the hotel to interrogate Mattea. He then makes his way to the hotel along with Zenigata.

In the hotel, Ariana talks to Mattea and brings almost pulls out a confession from her. Mattea gets violent and leaves the hotel before she can get caught.

Yata and Zenigata find Ariana collapsed in a hotel lobby, and she gives them a recording of the conversation she had earlier.

She tells them to send the recording to Lupin and then becomes unconscious. As the episode ends, Lupin walks out of his New York apartment, feeling as if something’s off. 

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About Lupin the Third

Lupin III, also written as Lupin the Third, Lupin the 3rd or Lupin the IIIrd, is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Monkey Punch.

Arsène Lupin III, the grandson of the fictional gentleman thief, Arsène Lupin, is considered the world’s greatest thief, known for announcing his intentions to steal valuable objects by sending a calling card to their owners.

His right-hand man and closest ally is Daisuke Jigen, an expert marksman who can accurately shoot a target in 0.3 seconds. Although Lupin and Jigen frequently work as a two-man team. They are often joined by Goemon Ishikawa XIII, a master swordsman whose sword can cut anything.

Or Fujiko Mine, a femme fatale and Lupin’s love interest. Although Fujiko usually works together with the others, she occasionally exploits Lupin’s interest in her to steal the treasure for herself. Lupin and his gang are always chased by Inspector Koichi Zenigata of Interpol.

Originally Written By Epic Dope

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