USB-IF announces new logo to identify “USB Type-C” cable

The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF), the governing body of the USB standard, announced on September 30 (US time) that “USB Type-C” Announced the new power rating logo for cables. USB Type-C cables may look the same but have different functions, so the logo is aimed at resolving the confusion.

New logo

The new logo takes into account both speed and charging speed, not just cables and ports, but also packaging Can also be used.

USB Type-C cables support 2.0 or 3.2, support multiple charging wattages, and some support Thunderbolt. In addition, Thunderbolt-enabled cables can be active or passive.

USB-IF President Jeff Ravencraft said in a statement, “With the new logo, consumer electronics from laptops to smartphones, displays and chargers. Certified USB-C cables that support the ever-expanding ecosystem of devices USB4 performance and USB power delivery It will make it easier for consumers to identify features. ”

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