Coupe de France: an N3 surprised by an R2!

Coupe de France

A National 3 team fell against a Regional 2 team this Saturday, as part of the 4th round of the Coupe de France.

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That’s the charm of the Cup of France. As in every round, hierarchically superior formations fall against teams from inferior championships. This is the case for FU Narbonne this Saturday evening. As part of the 4th round, the resident of National 3 Occitanie was expected on the lawn of Sporting Perpignan Nord, two divisions below (R2). Held in check after the regulatory 90 minutes (0-0), FUN was finally ejected from the Cup after a long penalty shootout (9-8). Sporting, for its part, offers itself a performance of choice and will see the 5th round.

To summarize

As in every round, hierarchically superior formations fall against teams from inferior championships. This is the case for FU Narbonne this Saturday evening. As part of the 4th round, the resident of National 3 Occitanie was expected on the lawn of Sporting Perpignan Nord, two divisions below (R2).

Florian Sermaise

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