DNCE’s New Music Video For “Dancing Feet” Has Arrived

A couple weeks after teasing a “new era” of music, DNCE’s music video for their new song “Dancing Feet” with Norwegian DJ Kygo has arrived! Last week, lead singer Joe Jonas gave fans a first look at the band’s upcoming music video for their new song “Dancing Feet” with Norwegian DJ Kygo. Released on Feb. 22, the teaser shows pool parties and a dance battle as Jonas sings, “And every Saturday night that you ain’t here, my tears are blue . . . I don’t wanna dance another beat, no, unless it’s with you.”

Models Camille Kostek and Cindy Kimberly also make appearances in the video. “#DANCINGFEET VIDEO. FRIDAY. TELL ME HOW DO YOU WANT IT?? 🕺🏻” Jonas captioned the Instagram post. DCNE’s debut single, “Cake by the Ocean,” released in 2015, cracked the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 before the Jonas Brothers announced their highly anticipated comeback four years later. “Dancing Feet” marks DNCE’s first single since their three-year hiatus. Watch the music video below!

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