New Araguaína City Hall decree maintains mandatory masks and vaccinations for flexibility

The City Hall of Araguaína published new measures making economic activities more flexible , cultural and sports, and maintained the state of public calamity with preventive actions to control covid-19. The new rules are in the decree nº 076/21, of the Official Gazette 2399, and are already in effect.

The document considers the need to reduce the financial impact caused by the pandemic, the improvement in the occupancy rate of clinical beds (6%) and ICU (unit of intensive care – 33%), and the reduction of new cases and deaths by covid-19. Currently, Araguaína has only 36 active cases. In addition to the advance in the immunization rate, with about 88% of the adult population already vaccinated with the first dose.

In order for the measures to be made more flexible, the mandatory of the mask for all public and private places, keeping mouth and nose covered. The City Hall also maintained the presentation of the vaccination card with at least the first dose for workers in commerce and industry, and also for access in bars, restaurants and events.

More sport Sports championships and the use of Via are authorized Lake, Cimba Park, Beira Lago Complex, squares, outdoor gyms and the like, provided that all sanitary protocols of social distance and mandatory use of masks are followed.


Flexibility also allows for artistic, sporting, religious events , conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, concerts, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, graduations and the like. These can only occur as long as all sanitary protocols are obeyed and that they are previously authorized by the municipal inspection. The maximum occupancy allowed is 70% of the room’s capacity and there is a requirement to affix the capacity sign.

In addition to the physical or digital card by ConectaSUS, people can choose to present an RT-PCR test report performed in the last 72 hours or an antigen search for SARS-Cov-2 by swab performed in the last 48 hours with a “negative, non-reactive or not detected” result.

Increase in capacity

A capacity of closed and semi-open bars and restaurants had their maximum capacity increased from 50% to 70% of space utilization. To perform the shows in the environment, everyone must comply with sanitary protocols, with a 1.5 meter spacing between tables, use of a mask when out of the seat, provision of 70º INPM and only vocalists are exempt from the mandatory use of mask during the presentation.

Faster access Supermarkets, hypermarkets, markets, butchers and similar no longer need to measure the temperature of customers at the entrance of the establishment. The decree determines that it is necessary to maintain the sanitary protocol of social distance, availability of alcohol 70º INPM in easy access and constant cleaning of the place.

Na education The resumption of in-person classes within the scope of the Municipal Education Network was authorized. Araguaína, in the private network, supervised internships in general, courses and the like. For this, the norms of the decree and the health protocols published by the WHO (World Health Organization) and by the MEC (Ministry of Education) and Ordinance No. 185/2020 of the Municipal Department of Education must be followed.

Permitted wakes The wakes of deaths caused by covid-19 followed the guidelines of the Municipal Health Department and FUNAMC (Foundation for Municipal Community Activity of Araguaína). As for other causes, wakes may take place provided that they comply with the sanitary protocols of social distancing, use of masks and availability of alcohol 70º INPM.

Note: This article has been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at the original source Click Here

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