Barry Levinson to Direct Peacock Crime Drama ‘The Missing’

Barry Levinson is teaming with David E. Kelley at Peacock.

The Oscar- and Emmy-winning director has boarded crime drama The Missing at the streamer. Levinson will direct the first episode and multiple other installments and serve as an executive producer. The series will mark the first collaboration between Levinson and Kelley.

Ordered straight to series in October, The Missing is based on a best-selling novel (The Missing File) by Israeli author Dror A. Mishani. The series centers on NYPD Detective Avraham Avraham (Jeff Wilbusch, Unorthodox), a man guided by a deep sense of spirituality and religious principles. Avraham is left to question his own humanity when a seemingly routine investigation turns upside down.

Juliana Canfield (Succession), Karen Robinson (Schitt’s Creek) and Michael Mosley (The Sinner) also star.

The Missing is a co-production of Keshet Studios and Universal Television. Kelley is writing and executive producing and will serve as showrunner. Kelley’s producing partner, Matthew Tinker, also exec produces along with Levinson, author Mishani, Jonathan Shapiro, Keshet Studios’ Peter Traugott, Keshet International’s Alon Shrutzman, Keshet Media Group’s Avi Nir and Keshet Broadcasting’s Karni Ziv.

Levinson is nominated for a Directors Guild Award for Hulu’s limited series Dopesick, which he also executive produced. Other recent directing credits include The Survivor and HBO films Paterno and The Wizard of Lies. He is repped by WME and attorney Barry Hirsch.

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