Kim Kardashian will reveal ‘all the details’ about Pete Davidson romance on reality show

Kim Kardashian has confirmed viewers will find out “all the details” about her relationship with Pete Davidson on her family’s new reality show.

The 41-year-old began dating the Saturday Night Live star in October after she hosted the sketch show, and has kept the relationship private. However, in a cover interview with Variety, she spoke about Pete for the first time and revealed fans will get to learn about how they got together on the upcoming series, The Kardashians.

“(They’ll see) how we met and who reached out to who and how it happened and all the details that everyone wants to know,” she shared. “I’m definitely open to talking, and I definitely explain it.”

She revealed that the comedian will not appear in the first series of the Hulu show but she is not opposed to it in the future.

“I have not filmed with him,” she stated. “And I’m not opposed to it. It’s just not what he does. But if there was an event happening and he was there, he wouldn’t tell the cameras to get away. I think I might film something really exciting coming, but it wouldn’t be for this season.”

Kim also revealed that her ex-husband Kanye West filmed scenes for the show before their divorce turned acrimonious and he features in a major arc in the first episode. However, fans will not see her criticising the rapper as she is conscious of what their four children might hear.

“I believe in championing publicly and criticising privately. I don’t think I would ever criticise the father of my children on my TV show. That’s just not really what I’m about, and I just don’t think that would ever make me feel good,” she explained. “I’m always really respectful of what the kids will see. The reality is, we’re always a family. We always will have a love and respect for each other.”

The Kardashians launches on Hulu on 14 April.

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