Maharashtra: Places of worship to reopen from Oct 7, first day of Navratri

Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said all places of worship will reopen in the state from October 7, which is the first day of Navratri.

Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, however, clarified that all rules and guidelines related to Covid-19 protocols will have to be followed.

A statement by the CM’s office mentioned: “We have made preparations to tackle the third wave after successfully fighting the second wave. We are slowly opening up. There is a decline in the number of cases, we still have to take precautions. Even though places of religious worship will open for devotees, Covid protocols like mask, social distancing and sanitisation will have to be followed”

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“Although daily Covid-19 cases are showing a declining trend, everybody should take care and follow COVID-19 protocols,” he said.

“While religious places are going to be opened, people still need to wear face masks and use hand sanitizers. The management of religious places will be responsible for implementation of such measures,” Thackeray said.

For long, the opposition BJP had been demanding the reopening of temples and other places of worship in Maharashtra. Last month, the BJP staged protests in several cities of Maharashtra in support of their demand.

ALSO READ: Test, track, treat, tika: PM Modi asks states with rising cases to take proactive steps to prevent third wave

After the first coronavirus wave waned, places of religious worship were reopened in Maharashtra in November last year, but they were shutdown again for people after the second wave started in the state in March 2021.

Maharashtra on Friday reported 3,286 new coronavirus cases and 51 deaths, which took the state’s infection tally to 65,37,843 and the toll to 1,38,776, a health department official said.

With 3,933 patients discharged from hospitals, the number of recovered cases rose to 63,57,012. Maharashtra now has 39,491 active cases.

ALSO READ: Maharashtra aims to vaccinate one crore citizens with both jabs

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