I’ll continue to govern Ogun with the fear of God — Dapo

Gov Abiodun orders investigation into farmers/herdsmen clash in Ogun

….says he’ll not be distracted by naysayers, myopic individuals

By James Ogunnaike

Ogun State Governor, Prince Dapo Abiodun at the weekend declared that he would not allow ‘naysayers’, whose interest are myopic and self-serving distract him in conducting the business of governance of the state.

The governor equally reiterated that he would continue to discharge the mandate given to him by the people of the state with the fear of God, to ensure a free, fair, and just society that promotes equity, fairness, and justice to all.

Abiodun, who said these while speaking at the ‘2021 Odun Omo Olowu’, held in Abeokuta, the state capital, said the welfare and prosperity of the people of the state irrespective of age, gender, religious or political affiliations or their geographical location, will always be of topmost priority to his administration.

This, according to Abiodun, will be pursued and achieved through transparent public finance management which provides an atmosphere that guarantees a more prosperous life for the people.

He said, “we believe that people should not pull down the house simply on account of individual or group interest that may not be in alignment with general and overall interest of the state”.

“We are amenable and receptive to robust engagement in order to ensure that the greater majority of our people and state prosper. That is why we have always have an inclusive approach to governance because what concerns one should concern all”.

“Let me reiterate that we shall continue to uphold all the tenets of good governance by being accountable, transparent, responsive, consensus-oriented, inclusive, participatory, just, fair and equitable”.

“We appreciate the fact that no government has all the necessary funds it requires for the development of the society and its people. For this reason, we will continue to welcome and appreciate sincere contributions and recommendations that will help develop our state and improve the socio-economic life of our dear people”, the governor stated.

While congratulating the Olowu of Owu Kingdom, Oba Olusanya Adegboyega Dosunmu, former President Olusegun Obasanjo who is the Balogun of Owu, Council of Chiefs; and, sons and daughters of Owu Kingdom on the celebration ‘Odun Omo Olowu’, Abiodun assured that his administration will continue to support all genuine efforts by individuals and groups that are directed at improving the cultural heritage and the lives of the people in general.

The governor, who described the annual festival as an attestation to the economic, historical and spiritual antecedents of the Owu people, said the festival has projected the rich cultural values and norms of the Owu people and by extension, Ogun State as a whole.

“It is a festival that helps to remind Owu people of their origin, as an essential component for stimulating communal understanding, love and unity and for augmenting steady progress, peace and development of the larger Community”.

“This edition is particularly important because of the theme ‘Prosperity’; this fits very well into Our Building Our Future Together Agenda. The clear vision of our government is to give Ogun State focused and qualitative governance and to create the enabling environment for a public private sector partnership, which we consider fundamental to the creation of an enduring economic development and individual prosperity of the people of Ogun state”.

Abiodun further thanked the Owu people for standing up for truth and for the mandate freely given to him in 2019, stressing that the mandate will not be taken for granted.

“The Owu people are known for their industrious, courage, valour and candour. We have to thank our Owu brothers and sisters for the support and solidarity given to us on our way to office and since our assumption in office. Yes, the Owu people are reputed never to mince words. We appreciate those who out of genuine desire for the economic growth and their people have offered plausible policy options, encouragement and candid advice to us like the Balogun Owu, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. He has been with us through thick and thin. This is the only way we can make progress and make amends where there are gaps”, the governor said.

“Owu has always made us proud, we shall not let the people down. The recent appointment as African Union High Representative for the Horn of Africa of the Balogun and Alugbua Owu, Chief Obasanjo speaks of his profound experience and widespread network across the continent and the world. That is the essence of being a proud Owu man. It’s congratulations to the whole of Owu, Egbaland and our dear state”, the governor submitted.

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