Elvis star Austin Butler may portray Feyd-Rautha in Dune 2

Austin Butler is already poised to have a breakout year thanks to his leading role in the upcoming Elvis Presley biopic. But if Butler closes his latest deal, he may have a big role waiting for him in 2023 as well. Variety is reporting that Butler is in negotiations to portray Feyd-Rautha, one of the primary villains in Dune: Part Two.

In Frank Herbert’s seminal sci-fi novel Dune, Feyd-Rautha is the heir to House Harkonnen’s empire. He is noted for his sadistic streak, as well as his ruthless approach when dealing with his enemies. Feyd-Rautha is also the nephew of Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, the leader of House Harkonnen who wants to put Feyd in a position where he could become the next emperor of the galaxy. Sting memorably portrayed the character in David Lynch’s 1984 adaptation of Dune, which saw The Police front man step out of a steam bath in nothing but a futuristic G-string.

In addition to his headlining role in director Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis, Butler has previously appeared in ABC Family’s Switched At Birth, and he had a supporting part as one of the Manson Family in Once Upon a Time In Hollywood. Butler is also starring in the upcoming miniseries Masters of Air for AppleTV+.

Austin Butler as Elvis.

Earlier this week, Black Widow actress Florence Pugh was reportedly in talks to join the Dune sequel as Princess Irulan. However, Pugh’s participation is by no means a sure thing. The actress is waiting to see the latest draft of the sequel, and she is also up for the leading role in a Madonna biopic that will be helmed by the real Madonna herself. If the Madonna project conflicts with Dune: Part Two, then Pugh may choose to pass on the sci-fi sequel.

The only other major role that remains to be cast for Dune: Part Two is Irulan’s father, Emperor Shaddam IV. Thus far, there aren’t any actors who have been publicly linked to that part. But since Dune: Part Two is likely to begin filming this summer, an actor will probably be cast in the role soon.

Dune: Part Two will hit theaters on October 20, 2023.

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