Nashville Religion Communicators to Meet Virtually in April

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council (RCC) meets monthly to talk about topics of interest and hear from professionals in religious communications.  

Nashville, TN, 18th March 2022, ZEXPRWIRE, The Religion Communicators Council (RCC) is an interfaith association of religion communicators at work in print and electronic communication, marketing, and public relations. The Nashville Chapter meets monthly to learn about other faith traditions, learn from fellow communicators and gain professional development opportunities. 

The April meeting will be virtual, with guest speaker Rev. Hilda R. Davis, PhD, LPC, a Holistic Counselor, Author, and Book Coach on the topic “Better Communication Through Increased Understanding.” 

In private practice as Hilda R Davis Consulting, she offers consulting, coaching, and counseling services. She is passionate about her mission as a counselor, accountability coach, and holistic wellness coach and advocate. She has the honor of providing over twenty years in holistic wellness, behavioral health treatment, and advocacy for Black women’s health.

The RCC has members from every faith group and walk of life including Baha’is, Christians, Jews, Muslims, Scientologists, Sikhs, Hindus, and more. The RCC, founded in 1929, is an association of communications professionals who work for and with a diverse group of faith-based organizations in the areas of communications, public relations, advertising, and development. 

The RCC provides opportunities for communicators to learn from each other. Together, RCC members promote excellence in the communication of faith and values in the public arena. For more information about the Religion Communicators Council, visit 

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