Son of ‘raped’ masseuse: ‘Why did you do this to my mum?’

Crime re-enactment by American suspect cancelled

published :3 Oct 2021 at 17:08

A police officer holds Robert Gordon's passport against his body to show that the picture matches the suspect during his arrest at a hotel in Soi Nana on Saturday. (Royal Thai Police photo)
A police officer holds Robert Gordon’s passport against his body to show that the picture matches the suspect during his arrest at a hotel in Soi Nana on Saturday. (Royal Thai Police photo)

KHON KAEN: The son and relatives of the masseuse allegedly assaulted and raped by an American citizen have arrived in this northeastern province but have yet to confront the suspected perpetrator.

“I am waiting to ask him why he did this to my mum. I also want to ask his motive,” said the son, identified only as Ball, at a traditional massage parlour.

The two travelled from Lop Buri to Khon Kaen, where police had been expected to take Robert Gordon, 37, to the scene of the alleged crime in Muang district for a re-enactment on Monday.

They were disappointed when the re-enactment was called off.

Mr Gordon was earlier identified only by his last name. Information from police showed he was born in the US state of Colorado.

Pol Col Preecha Kengsarikit, chief of the Muang police station in Khon Kaen, said the suspect cited concerns for his safety as the reason he refused to re-enact the alleged assault on the 45-year-old woman.

Investigators will ask him further questions and ask permission from the provincial court on Monday to extend his detention, he added.

Ball questioned whether police used different standards for Thai and foreign suspects as they decided to accept Mr Gordon’s request not to conduct the crime re-enactment.

“A foreigner who commits a crime in Thailand should not be given any special treatment,” he said. Had the suspect been a Thai, he would have been forced to conduct the re-enactment, he said.

The suspect was arrested at a hotel in Soi Nana in Bangkok on Saturday. He claimed he was under the influence of drugs prior to committing the alleged offences.

He fled Muang district of Khon Kaen for Bangkok on a motorcycle on Monday, and before leaving the province allegedly committed an obscene act against a 13-year-old girl in Ban Phai district.

The American was charged with serious physical assault, rape and illegally detaining others, according to police.

Khon Kaen police chief Pol Maj Gen Noppakao Sommanas said Mr Gordon’s wife and his lawyer had arrived in Khon Kaen from Amnart Charoen. 

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