Halo Infinite Season 2 roadmap targets August for online co-op, forge in September

Image via 343

343 has taken to Halo Waypoint to share some more insights on the highly anticipated Season 2 launch for Halo Infinite. The devs also shared a roadmap that held insights for what might be the most highly anticipated feature to come to the game that classic Halo fans have been waiting for: campaign online co-op.

As you can see in the roadmap above, many of the updated features coming were things that have been shared before in March, with just a little more detail. Season 2 is still set to be finished and released on May 2nd, but there was little more foresight given on other target release dates.

In the post, you you can see that the long awaited campaign co-op feature is targeting a late August release date. That means friends can play through Master Chief’s most recent adventure as a pair just like so many of us had done in previous entries into the series.

343 also shared an updated on Forge mode, a fan favorite that lets players create and customize their own personal maps and game modes. As you can see on the shared roadmap, the team is targeting a September release date. 343 has had some success internally when testing the game mode and are pushing it out a bit sooner than originally thought. In the update on Halo Waypoint it states: “…we’re targeting a Forge open beta later in Season 2. We’ve successfully had Forge in private flighting with a limited audience for some time, so we’ve decided to forgo a large-scale formal flighting program and go right to open beta. With this approach, we can get the core Forge tools out to everyone quicker while also remaining focused on our core priority of continuing to improve foundational aspects of Halo Infinite. Forge will persist from the open beta onwards, evolving and growing over time.”

The update also included the normal patch updates such as quality of life fixes that will fix some bugs with the base game as well as features included in the Season 2 release.

With the release on the next season in just under a week, this might be the catapult Halo Infinite needs to revive the game. When the title first released back in December, it was a hit among players. However, the player count has dramatically declined over the months.

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