Young Man Becomes Stiff After Slapping A Juju Man At A Market Square (VIDEO)

A young man bit more than he could chew after disrespecting an elderly man who was a ‘juju’ man at a market square in Nigeria.

The man was having an altercation with a woman at a market following a misunderstanding over an undisclosed issue and it appeared the man had tried to settle the matter peacefully but apparently the young man was upset by the elderly man’s questions and intrusion and out of anger landed a heavy slap on his face.

Onlookers and other woman begged the man not to retaliate but he did not oblige as he removed his shirt to reveal the fetish regalia he was wearing scaring the hell out of the man.

The ‘juju man’ took out a stick from his pocket and hit the man with it which made him fall on the ground and become stiff instantly.

Watch the video below;

In other news,veteran Nollywood actor, Kenneth Okonkwo is of the view that no man needs to date a lady for years to know if you’re marriageable or not

In a Facebook post, Kenneth Okonkwo pointed to the fact that men almost certainly know what they want from a woman even before they approach her.

He advised ladies looking to find life partners to always be themselves and make sure they are happy and enjoying the relationship and not pretending so as to please the man you are dating.


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