Dove Cameron Styled a Leather Belt as a Top at the 2022 VMAs

Dove Cameron’s signature punk-inspired style was on full display at the 2022 MTV VMAs. The singer and actress made a sharp entrance in a leather and floral ensemble from Paco Rabanne, designed by Julien Dossena. Looking equal parts sweet and edgy, she essentially styled a belt as a strapless top, the front of it boasting two small cutouts between the buckles. The rest of the dress consisted of an ankle-length skirt imprinted with a floral motif in red, pink, and green. Cameron amped up the drama with a leather buckle choker and added small silver hoops. To finish, her black velvet platform sandals, metallic manicure, braided hair, and sharp eyeliner rounded out the edgy theme.

The multihyphenate joined other well-dressed stars at the ceremony in New Jersey, including Lizzo, who stunned in a voluminous Jean Paul Gaultier dress; Sabrina Carpenter, who bared her midsection in a bedazzled cutout Moschino gown; and Anitta, who wore a corseted gown by Schiaparelli.

Cameron has been nominated for best new artist, and her appearance follows the release of her music video for “Breakfast.” She later delivered a performance in an equally memorable look consisting of a metallic bra top (the pièce de résistance) layered under a white button-down shirt and oversize blazer with padded shoulders, plus a maxi skirt. She accessorized with silver jewelry, matching her eyeliner to the theme, and styled her hair into a high ponytail.

Leave it to Cameron to pull off two completely different looks in one night. Scroll on for more angles of her strapless Paco Rabanne dress.

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