檢, 'Hwacheon Daeyu' torture case investigated by former Supreme Court Justice Kwon Soon-il… Allegations of 'violation of law'

Supreme Prosecutors’ Office transferred to Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office

On the 23rd, groups such as the ‘Attorneys for Human Rights and Unification of the Korean Peninsula’ offered an advisor to ‘Hwacheon Daeyu Asset Management’ in front of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul. Former Supreme Court Justice Kwon Soon-il, who was in charge, was charged with violating the Attorney Law. Newsis

Prosecutors announced on the 24th that the so-called ‘Daejang-dong development project’ Hwacheon Daeyu Asset Management (Hwacheon Daeyu Asset Management), which is suspected of preferential treatment, started an investigation into the accusation against former Supreme Court Justice Kwon Soon-il.

The Supreme Prosecutors’ Office transferred the case of ‘lawyers for human rights and reunification on the Korean Peninsula’ and other civic groups to the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office for direct investigation.

Previously, former Supreme Court Justice Kwon resigned from his post in September of last year, and served as an advisor to Hwacheon Daeyu 15 million won per month. was reported to have been paid. He does not register as a lawyer and is a consultant to Hwacheon Daeyu.

Supreme Court in July of the same year When the all-inclusive body dismissed and remanded Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung’s case of violating the Public Official Election Act with the intent of not guilty, the incumbent gave an acquittal. After allegations of preferential treatment for Hwacheon Daeyu were raised, he legally tortured, saying, “I accepted an offer from the representative of the legal reporters I was close with to appoint me as an adviser to Hwacheon Daewoo, after confirming that there are no problems with the Public Official Ethics Act or the Kim Young-ran Act.”

Former Supreme Court Justice Kwon

It was reported that he resigned from his advisory position on the 17th. On the 23rd, he visited the Korea Autism Society and donated 150 million won. It is known that he received the full amount of compensation he received while working as an advisor to Hwacheon Daeyu, and some say that he felt burdened by the growing suspicions of former Supreme Court Justice Kwon.

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