Maria Bekatorou: The difficulty of maintaining her new weight, obsession and love for herself

Maria Bekatorou had a long time to speak in public and did so through a revealing interview.

The beautiful presenter, who we do not enjoy on TV at the moment, seems to have decided to permanently change her daily life and her habits after first losing the pounds she wanted and gaining the self she dreamed of. Since then, she has taken the sugar out of her life, watched what she eats, made friends with the scales and shaken off any obsession. See what exactly she revealed …


Do you find it difficult to maintain your new weight? Clearly. We are talking about difficulty now! In the summer I had set a goal to eat in every place we went once french fries and only one dessert. And I had put Antonis in the process of discussing it. “Do not waste it today, keep it for tomorrow that has better potatoes in the tavern we will go” he tells me. It is not easy for me who loves good food. But I like what I see in me now. Do you weigh yourself every day? Yes. On vacation day after day. Isn’t that stressful? No. If I feel that I am escaping, I reduce the quantities. Because people read us now, I do not do dangerous things, I do not sit hungry, I just lack things I love. A nice millefeuille, let’s say, because in the old days, when we went to restaurants, I would eat my dessert too. I do not do it now. I make sure my diet is balanced, I eat my fruit, I take my vitamins. Sugar has just been removed from my daily routine. How did it all start? It happened somewhat universally. I wanted for a long time to be able to fit in smaller numbers. It was the time when I stopped taking some hormones, which cause swelling and edema. My decision to move away from this thought, from this obsession I had until then – and I would not like to say anything more about it – did me good. It cleared both my body and my mind. When I started to lose the first 2-3
kilos and Christos (s.s. Alexandropoulos) brought me the clothes, which were a little too wide for me, I told everyone that I only want to be told something when they see a big difference. When, after last Christmas, I had lost 5-6 kilos, a girl in the editing told me that my image on the screen looks very different, then I said “and so I will stay”. If you allow me, I just want to dwell on the word “obsession” you used. Maybe it was too much. It was something I had in mind all the time. I do not have right now. Be careful, I have not taken it out, but I have been released now. I like the way we are. A nice family, with Marto, a nice job and we’ll see. And this can be a safety valve. I do not know. But compared to five years ago, are you better inside? Oh! I feel better about myself, I love myself more, I have found nice ways, and together with my friends, to appreciate everyday life more. Source: OK

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