AMD graphics cards could soon come with a free copy of The Last of Us Part 1

The Last of Us Part 1 arrives for PC on March 28 (image via Naughty Dog)
The Last of Us Part 1 arrives for PC on March 28 (image via Naughty Dog)

Promotional material on Ebuyer suggests that current and last-gen AMD graphics cards will soon be bundled with a copy of The Last of Us Part 1. Eligible products include the Radeon RX 7900 XTX, 7900 XT and the entire Radeon RX 6000 lineup.

Update: The promotion has shown up on AMD’s official website.

With the remaining RDNA 3 (Radeon RX 7800 XT, 7700 XT, etc.) scheduled to launch in June 2023, AMD plans to sweeten the pot for gamers by throwing in a copy of The Last of Us Part 1. Videocardz spotted the upcoming promotion on Ebuyera UK-based electronics retailer.

The promotion will apply to all last and current-gen AMD graphics cards, including the Radeon RX 7900 XTX7900 XT, 6900 XT, 6800 XT, 6700 XT, 6600 XT, their non-XT and xx50 counterparts. Even the low-end RX 6500 XT and 6400 XT are included, although they’ll probably have a hard time running The Last of Us Part 1.

Initially scheduled for a March 3 launch, The Last of Us Part 1 will be available to PC gamers via Steam and the Epic Games Store on March 28. The critically-acclaimed title is the first of its series to debut on PC, and it’ll be interesting to see how it compares against its PS5 version.

Whether or not a copy of The Last of Us Part 1 will help sell more AMD graphics cards remains to be seen. RDNA 3 has yet to establish its presence in Steam’s hardware databaseand the situation is unlikely to change until more SKUs appear on the market.

Buy The Last of Us Part 1 Firefly Edition on Amazon

List of eligible AMD graphics cards (image via AMD)
List of eligible AMD graphics cards (image via AMD)

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Anil Ganti, 2023-03- 7 (Update: 2023-03- 7)

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