UK Daily Deals: The Last of Us 4K Blu-Ray is now Available for Preorder

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably been following along with the smash-hit TV adaptation of the popular video game franchise The Last of Us. If you, like us, have been following Joel and Ellie’s story, we’re certain that you’re traumatised by now. So why not relive it all on 4K UHD Blu-Raywhat could be better?

The Blu-Rays are hitting the shelves on the 17th of July and if you keep reading we’ve got a little tip on how to get £10 off. As ever we’re also bringing you our favourite random deals and video games savings from across the web. You can also still get 10% off your preorder for the Resident Evil 4 Remake.

The Last of Us Preorders are now Live

The Last of Us: Season 1 [4K Ultra HD Steelbook]

The Last of Us: Season 1[4KUltraHD[4KUltraHD Steelbook]

The Last of Us: Season 1 [4K Ultra HD]

The Last of Us: Season 1[4KUltra[4KUltra HD]

The Last of Us: Season 1 Blu-Ray

The Last of Us: Season 1 Blu-Ray

How to Save Money on Your Last of Us Preorder

We know that the Blu-Rays for The Last of US aren’t technically on sale, but there are a few ways for you to save some money on your preorder. using Amazon.

If you’ve never used Amazon photos before, you can use it to back up your photos for the first time and get yourself £10 of free credit. You can also top up your Amazon giftcard by £60 or more and get a free fiver from them.

Amazon Top-Up: Free £5 for New Users

Amazon Top-Up: Free £5 for New Users

Amazon Photos: Back Up for £10 Credit

Amazon Photos: Back Up for £10 Credit

Amazon Pickup: £5 Credit

Random Deals: Hoodie Blankets, Air Fryers, and Powerbanks

It’s a roll of the dice. These are my absolute favourite deals that are available right now, but don’t necessarily fit anywhere else, making them a little bit more random compared to everything else in Daily Deals. IGN audience’s top deal this week is the Under Armour Tech 2.0 T-Shirts, now down to £9.50 from £28 (available in sizes M, L, XL, and XXL). Snag this awesome deal before it’s gone!

Sienna Unisex Hoodie Blanket

Great Deal

Sienna Unisex Hoodie Blanket

Also available in blue, black, and grey.

Tenet (4K UHD)

Anker Power Bank, 313 Portable Charger

Anker Power Bank, 313 Portable Charger

Where's Spidey?: A Marvel Spider-Man search & find book

Where’s Spidey?: A Marvel Spider-Man search & find book

Preorder Resident Evil 4 Remake for £49.49 at Currys Using Promo Code RE10

You can play the Resident Evil 4 demo right now after its annoucement at the Capcom Spotlight Eventand if you enjoyed just as much as I did, you’ll want to secure your preorder ASAP. Resident Evil 4 preorders are down to just £49.49 at Currys when using promo code RE10 at checkout. This is an awesome deal and well worth considering before the game releases on March 24.

Resident Evil 4 (Remake)


Resident Evil 4 (Remake)

Resident Evil 4 (Remake)


Resident Evil 4 (Remake)

Resident Evil 4 (Remake)


Resident Evil 4 (Remake)

Up to Half Price on MinaLima Edition Harry Potter Books

Fans of the popular wizarding franchise will not want to miss out on these brand new edition Harry Potter books. Beautifully illustarted by MinaLima, these editions of the books absolutley jumo out of the page with vivid imagery and unbelievable colour.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: MinaLima Edition

Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: MinaLima Editing

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: MinaLima Edition

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: MinaLima Editing

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: MinaLima Edition

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: MinaLima Editing

Best Video Game Deals Right Now

Check out all the very best video game deals available right now in the UK, featuring plenty of incredible discounts on PS5 and PlayStation games.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty


Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

Demon's Souls


PS5 Console

Perfect PS5 2TB SSD with Heatsink for £147.99

Gamers who are looking to expand their PS5 storage should consider the Viper VP4300 2TB M.2 SSD with Heatsink, which is now available for an incredibly low price of just £147.99.

With its large 2TB storage capacity and fast read and write speeds, this SSD is a great choice for gamers who want to enjoy faster load times and smoother gameplay.

For the Samsung deal listed below, you’ll need to visit Samsung Cashback Reward Claims to go through the process of getting your £40 cashback.

Corsair MP600 PRO LPX 2TB SSD with Heatsink

IGN Top Choice

Corsair MP600 PRO LPX 2TB SSD with Heatsink

Viper VP4300 2TB M.2 SSD with Heatsink

Incredible Deal

Viper VP4300 2TB M.2 SSD with Heatsink

Netac NV7000 2TB Internal SSD with Heatsink

Netac NV7000 2TB Internal SSD with Heatsink

Perfect for PS5. Use voucher at Amazon for discount.

Netac NV7000 1TB Internal SSD with Heatsink

Netac NV7000 1TB Internal SSD with Heatsink

Perfect for PS5. Use voucher at Amazon for discount.

John Wick Blu-Rays on Sale

Grab yourself some discounted Blu-Rays and settle in for a marathon with everyone’s favourite movie badass. Pikc up a discounted 4K copy while you still can.

John Wick: Chapters 1 & 2 [4K Ultra-HD]

John Wick: Chapters 1 & 2[4K[4K Ultra-HD]

John Wick: Chapters 1 & 2 [Blu-ray]

John Wick: Chapters 1 & 2 [Blu-ray]

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum 4k Ultra-HD

John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum 4k Ultra-HD

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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