MUDHONEY 2023 Australian Tour Selling Out External

As we roll closer to seminal Seattle four-piece Mudhoney‘s return to Australia next month, shows are selling out all over the place. Brisbane, Melbourne, Rye, Torquay, Castlemaine, and Footscray are all SOLD OUT!

Perth is about 20 tix off sell out and Sydney, Adelaide and Northcote are close to selling out, so if you are planning on heading to those shows, get in quick.

JJ McCann Transmission will be opening the sold out Haba show in Rye and Seminal Rats have joined to open the about to be sold out Northcote Social Club show.

This tour marks nine years since their last local shows in 2014. A mammoth odyssey spanning April and May will see them playing headline shows across six states, with a handful of festival dates among them. They land here fresh off the release of their new LP ‘Plastic Eternity’ (April 7th via Subpop).

Mudhoney have an enviable career spanning over three decades, thirteen studio albums, five live records, and endless headline shows around the globe. Their provocative debut single ‘Touch Me I’m Sick’ and 1992 hit Suck You Dry’ cemented them as pioneers of the late 80’s early 90’s grunge explosion, with their sound an instrumental foundation of the era.

Year after year, Mudhoney delivers contrarian, politically charged, anti-sentimental musings with their signature
skuzz-rock rebellious, underground sound to wake you up, punch you in the gut and put a smile on your face with equal measure.

Press Play Presents

FRI 14 Apr          The Cooly HotelCoolangatta    QLD
Plus guests Chimers

SAT 15 Apr          The Northern                                          Byron Bay      NSW
Plus guests Chimers

SUN 16 Apr           The Zoo SOLD OUTBrisbane         QLD
Plus guests Chimers + Gravel Samwidge

THURS 20 Apr       Factory TheatreSELLING FASTSydney            NSW
Plus guests The Holy Soul + Chimers

SAT 22 Apr             UOW Uni Bar Wollongong   NSW
Plus guests Feedtime + Chimers

SUN 23 Apr            Kambri at ANU Canberra         ACT
Plus guests Chimers

MON 24 Apr           Hotel Westwood SOLD OUTFootscray         VIC
Plus guests The Double Agents

TUES 25 Apr          HABASOLD OUTRye                    VIC
Plus guests JJ McCann Transmission

Wed 26 Apr         Northcote Social Club SELLING FASTNorthcote        VIC
Plus guests Seminal Rats

THURS 27 Apr      Corner HotelSOLD OUTMelbourne      VIC
Plus guests Paul Kidney Experience + Penny Ikinger

FRI 28 Apr             Theatre RoyalSOLD OUTCastlemaine    VIC
Plus guests Paul Kidney Experience

SAT 29 Apr             Torquay HotelSOLD OUTTorquay           VIC
Plus guests Paul Kidney Experience + Green Blanket

WED 3 May         Lion Arts Factory SELLING FASTAdelaide           SA
Plus guests Cull – The Band

THURS 4 May       The Rosemount ABOUT TO SELL OUTPerth              WA
Plus guests Secret Buttons

FRI 5 May           The River                                                   Margaret River    WA
Plus guests Secret Buttons

Tickets on Sale now head to details.

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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