ARA San Juan: they ask that Gustavo Arribas not leave the country

The representation of the relatives of the victims of the submarine ARA San Juan, sunk in the Argentine Sea in 2017, asked the justice to reject the authorization to leave the country again to the former head of the Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI ) macrista Gustavo Arribas , prosecuted in the case for spying on the relatives of the ship’s crew.

ARA San Juan: Mauricio Macri was summoned to the investigation in the espionage case

The lawyer Valeria Carreras argued the existence of “danger of flight and contacts that would hinder not only the process but an eventual extradition” of Arribas, who requested permission to travel to Brazil for a period of 60 days.

The presentation was made by Carreras before the surrogate federal judge of Dolores Martín Bava, who prosecuted Arribas and former AFI number two Silvia Majdalani in the same case.

The former head of the AFI will be investigated for alleged espionage against relatives of the crew of ARA San Juan

Carreras requested that ” grant authorization “to Arribas, who requested permission to travel to the Brazilian city of São Paulo, the lawyer reported this Sunday.

” From the presentation there is no valid and sufficient reason that warrants a new departure from the country, taking into account that it would be the third trip (7-7-2021, 3-9-21 to 24-9-2021) and now request authorization to leave the country from 7-10-2021 to 8-12 -2021, even mentioning tickets from another trip to Uruguay, “said the lawyer in her letter. “We do not consider, nor have they turned to the submissions in answer, that there are unpostponable reasons to make a ‘new trip.’ , the authorization for said long period, much less if the destination is Brazil, “he added.

Carreras also warned about alleged anomalies in the brief of the presentation that Arribas made before Justice. In view of which “nullities, ignorance of the insert, ignorance of the signature, etc.” could be raised. they attribute to him as well as the content of the assembled brief, in order to avoid future annulments. and he was prohibited from leaving the country in the case that investigates the alleged illegal espionage of relatives of victims of the sinking of the submarine ARA San Juan in Mar del Plata.

“This was falling mature since the first moment. He was not going to be able to get away because the papers that they presented, which are in the file, that the spies delivered, are addressed personally to him, he cannot allege ignorance. This is a pleasant surprise, “said Luis Tagliapietra, father of one of the deceased crew members.

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