Another increase in the percentage of positive samples for COVID-19 in our country

The number of new cases of coronavirus decreased as an absolute number but increased as a percentage. 513 are the newly discovered cases for October 3, and they marked a decrease of 713 on a daily basis, after the cases opened on Saturday were 1228. 4603 tests were performed (PCR and antigenic), ie. by 6902 less than the reported 11,505 days earlier. Thus, the percentage of positive samples in practice increases – from 10.67% to 11.14 percent.

For the day there are 3587 antigen tests, 418 are positive, ie. 11.65% positive samples. For comparison, in the previous report there were 7198 antigen tests, of which 551 were positive, ie. 7.65%. The PCR tests are 1016, of which 95 are positive, ie. 9.35 percent. On Saturday, this type of tests were 4307, with positive of them – 677, ie. 15.71 percent The total confirmed cases of coronavirus in Bulgaria are already 505,994. 2,590,997 PCRs and 2,254,788 antigen tests were performed (a total of 4,845,765), and the average percentage of positive samples since the beginning of the pandemic is 10.44 percent – again without change on a daily basis The active cases decreased slightly and are now 45,853, which is 46 less than in the previous report. However, there is an increase in hospitals, with the number of people there being 5,248, which is 31 more (183 were admitted to hospital, 152 were discharged). There are 462 patients admitted to intensive care units – 3 less on a daily basis. 516 people have recovered and the total number is now 439 103. 43 people have died – 17 more on a daily basis, so the total number of those who lost the battle with the virus in Bulgaria is now 21 038. The Ministry of Health has already provided data on the proportion of those infected, hospitalized and deceased who have not been fully vaccinated. During the last 24 hours, 87.52 percent of those who tested positive were not immunized. 87.43 of those admitted to hospital were also unvaccinated. Among those who died for the day, 93.02 percent do not have vaccinations. A total of 14,546 medical personnel are among the official cases of coronavirus, ie. with 3 more. 31,091 people are under quarantine – without change, noting that the active cases are nearly 15,000 more than the quarantined persons. The single information portal also provides data on the doses of vaccines administered. They are a total of 2,550,279, which means that 20.39% of the country’s population has already received a single dose. People with completed immunization are 1,337,228 or 19.36 percent of the population, and they include 195,817 vaccines of “Jansen”, which is administered in a single dose. For the last 24 hours there are 1284 vaccines. 725 are the first dose, 1023 are the second dose – the difference comes from the fact that those who received the preparation of “Jansen” are added in both columns, as the vaccine is a single dose. Most cases were found again in Sofia – 118, followed by Varna with 71. There is no district without new cases, and the least are in Montana and Shumen – 2 each. Balkans A total of 7,238,267 cases of coronavirus have already been confirmed in Turkey , with 27,351 new cases infected on 3 October. 6,686,246 have recovered – 22,004 new ones, and 64,661 people have died, with 194 victims per day. New cases were detected in 348,462 tests, which means that 7.84 percent of the samples were positive. Romania remains in second place in the Balkans in the number of cases – 1,265,827. Of these, 1,129,096 have recovered so far, with there are 1532 new ones. The victims of the virus are a total of 37,544, with 150 deaths in the last 24 hours. The new cases are 8682. They were detected in 46,075 PCR and antigen tests. This means that 18.84 percent of the samples are positive. 1440 people are in the intensive care unit, and a total of 13,319 patients are in hospitals. A total of 366 minors were hospitalized, 21 of whom were in intensive care. In Serbia there are officially 961,006 cases, which means that there are 5334 new cases per day. 822,553 were cured – 7,672 new ones, and 8,380 patients died, with 49 victims per day. 14,950 tests were performed, which makes the infectivity 35.67 percent. The situation in our western neighbors escalated with protests in early July, 2020, and at that time there were serious doubts as to whether the official statistics were true, after Serbian President Alexander Vucic explained that there were 4,000 people with COVID-19 in Belgrade alone. in the hospitals that were overcrowded, and according to official statistics the active cases were a little over 3,000 when Vucic spoke, which does not mean the cases in the hospital! Now, according to official data, there are 6456 people in hospital, and 259 of them are on respiratory treatment. Greece noted 1142 new cases of coronavirus. 31 people died after infection. Thus, there are a total of 661,308 cases of infection and 14,920 deaths in the country. The new cases were detected in 150,507 tests (7,113 PCR and 143,394 antigenic), which means that 0.75 percent of the samples were positive. Greece also presents data on healed patients. So far they are 621 707 – 3001 new. Croatia has reached 408,699 infected. Of these, 390,952 were healed – 1,082 new, and 8,678 died, with 14 new victims. There are 944 new cases, which were discovered in 9005 tests, which means that the infectivity in the country is 10.48 percent. The active cases are 9069, after the highest restriction of the infection there were only 7 active patients. Bosnia and Herzegovina reported 235,536 infected, with no new data. So far, the total number of victims is 10,635, and 192,218 patients have recovered. In Northern Macedonia there are 192,478 infected, and there are 658 new cases per day. 173,625 were healed – 577 new, and 6,704 died, which means that there are 21 victims per day. The new cases were detected in 2636 tests, which means that 24.96 percent of the samples are positive. In Albania confirmed cases there are already 171,794, with 467 new cases. 160,130 patients have recovered – 691 new ones, and 2,713 people have died so far, with 3 deaths per day. The new infected were found in 2592 tests, which means that the infectivity per day is 18.01 percent. Montenegro reported 132,696 infections, with 336 new cases. 1934 people have become victims so far, and there are 2 dead in a day. 124 491 patients have been healed – 521 new ones. More: The world’s coronavirus: Britain with the most infected, Russia with the most deaths

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