Gov. Muftwang swears in transition chairmen for Plateau’s 17 LGAs

Governor Caleb Mutfwtang of Plateau has sworn in Interim Transition Committee chairmen for the state’s 17 local government areas.

The swearing in ceremony was conducted at the Plateau State Government House in the capital Jos.

The governor, represented by his deputy, Josephine Piyo, during the ceremony on Saturday, said that the exercise was necessary to ensure that no vacuum existed in his administration.

The governor had on June 1 suspended all democratic structures in its 17 Local Governments Areas following recommendations of the Plateau House of Assembly (PLHA).

Governor Muftwang said that the suspension followed their inability to produce documents related to financial transactions in the various local governments, saying “all efforts to make them to produce the documents proved abortive”.

He explained that the state government after careful study of the recommendations resolved to suspend the chairmen in order to conduct an efficient and proper investigations on the development.

He urged the transition chairmen to cooperate with the PLHA and ensure that all documents required for the investigation were provided for appropriate action.

“This administration will not condone any form of indiscipline, you are expected to stabilise the LGA council and not see it as an opportunity to amass wealth. Also remember that this is a transitional administration that can give way any time government chooses,” he said.

Responding, the Chairman of Wase local government, Hamisu Anani, assured the governor that they would abide by the rules and regulations governing the local government and work for the progress of the state.

The interim chairmen include: Markus Hussaini, Jos East; Sati Shuwa, Riyom; Peter VwangDung, Jos South; Fidelis Adara, Bassa; Danjuma Guda, Barkin Ladi; Stephen John, Jos North; Markus Artu, Mangu; Monday Kassa, Bokkos.

Others are Samuel Go’ar Pankshin; Caleb Shikir, Kanke; Ado Yusuf, Kanam; Nicholas Nshe, Shendam; Christopher Manship, Quanpan; Daniel Kungmi, Mikang; Nanmwa Kumzhi, Langtang North; Manji Dangfa, Langtang South and Hamisu Anani, Wase.


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