Elon Will Show a New Tesla Model 3 Design in Shanghai $TSLA

Bloomberg reports that Elon will reveal the new Model 3. The first cars coming off the line Thursday are prototypes. The updated Model 3, Tesla’s first mass-market sedan, is slightly longer and sportier than the earlier version and has a sleeker interior design.

Musk met with Jin Zhuanglong, China’s minister for industry and information technology, in the country’s capital on Wednesday before traveling to the Shanghai plant.

Musk also met with head of CATL, the world’s largest battery company. CATL is a close partner for Tesla.

Tesla has forbidden employees to enter the Gigafactory with phones. This is to prevent people from sharing classified pictures of the new model.

The new model 3 should have megacastings and a structural battery pack. Drive-unit optimizations are also planned. Tesla will have fourth-generation motors featuring hairpin windings.

Brian Wang is a Futurist Thought Leader and a popular Science blogger with 1 million readers per month. His blog Nextbigfuture.com is ranked #1 Science News Blog. It covers many disruptive technology and trends including Space, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Medicine, Anti-aging Biotechnology, and Nanotechnology.

Known for identifying cutting edge technologies, he is currently a Co-Founder of a startup and fundraiser for high potential early-stage companies. He is the Head of Research for Allocations for deep technology investments and an Angel Investor at Space Angels.

A frequent speaker at corporations, he has been a TEDx speaker, a Singularity University speaker and guest at numerous interviews for radio and podcasts.  He is open to public speaking and advising engagements.

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