Ron Hawkins & Peter Katz

Show notes

First up this week, Mike chats with Ron Hawkins (2:50), an icon of the Canadian indie rock community and incredible songwriter who fronts The Lowest of the Low and Ron Hawkins & The Do-Good Assassins. Ron chats about recording the new Do-Good Assassins album, 246, on a vintage analog four-track recorder, shunning the option to release the album on a major label, the pros and cons of indie and major labels from his experience, the difference between good and bad political songwriting, and more.

The second interview this week is with Peter Katz (36:00), an acclaimed artist and public speaker, who tells Mike about writing his new, poppier album, City of Our Lives, while recovering from a gruesome injury that nearly took away his ability to walk. Peter also discusses the decision to stagger the digital and physical releases of the album, finding an appreciation for the craft of pop music, making his online performances more interactive and engaging, his impressive livestreaming setup, how he got into motivational speaking, and more.


Mike  Raine

Mike Raine

Michael Raine is the Editor-in-Chief for Canadian Musician, Professional Sound, and other magazines. He’s a fan of long conversations about music and the music industry.


Ron Hawkins

Peter Katz

Note: This article have been indexed to our site. We do not claim legitimacy, ownership or copyright of any of the content above. To see the article at original source Click Here

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