Watch: Osasuna fans aim brutal chant at Mason Greenwood during his debut for Getafe

Manchester United striker Mason Greenwood joined Getafe on loan for the remainder of the season on transfer deadline day.

The move sparked controversy as many were quickly out to criticise the Spanish side for signing him.

That is because of the previous abuse charges against him. Greenwood has not played for Manchester United since December 2021.

After all charges were dropped against him, United decided to reinstate him but soon had to reverse their decision after a major backlash from their own fans.

He eventually joined Getafe on loan who have fully accepted the young striker despite his past.

And he made his debut for the club earlier today against Osasuna, coming off the bench in the 77th minute to a huge roar from the Getafe fans.

However, it was the Osasuna supporters who made their feelings known towards the player as they aimed “Greenwood, die” chants at him.

Watch below:


Osasuna fans chanting “Greenwood, die”@TheAthleticFC

— Guillermo Rai (@GuillermoRai_) September 17, 2023

The hostile chants from the Osasuna fans are not surprising at all nor will they be the only set of fans to target the former United man. It is something he will have to deal with for the rest of his career.

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