OnePlus Open found to support stylus input

The OnePlus Open is one of the hottest foldables out now and we found it to excel at all the main pillars of a great foldable with one of the only gripes in our review being the lack of official stylus support. In a new development, it seems that the OnePlus Open supports stylus input on both its cover and main displays via the Oppo Pen.

Reddit user Rashed341 posted a video on the OnePlus Subreddit which shows the Oppo Pen fully functional on both the Open’s main and cover displays. The Open also has a stylus menu page inside the settings app. Oppo Pen was designed for the Oppo Find N2 which is the predecessor to the Find N3 on which the Open is based on.

Oppo Pen key features
Oppo Pen key features

Oppo Pen key features

It’s puzzling why OnePlus chose to omit stylus support during the Open’s launch event and all of its promotional materials but this is still a great development for OnePlus Open owners and potential buyers.

Source (Reddit post)

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