Research: The Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace

Plus guidance on what to do when some employees prefer a pet-free workplace.

November 13, 2023

HBR Staff/Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

As leaders consider what their organization should look like in our hybrid world, one area they may not be considering is the benefit that pets can have in the office. But a new research study indicates that there’s a lot of upside for developing a pet-friendly workplace, including increased employee well-being and collaboration, as well as playing a key role in recruitment and retention. In this article, the authors outline these benefits, explain the risks, and offer suggestions for how to develop your own organizational policy.

Managers and organizational leaders are currently exploring the best ways to conduct in-person and hybrid work, striving to make the office as inviting as possible while leveraging in-office time for collaborative activities. In this moment of reflection about when, where, and how work should be done, it’s an opportune time to explore out-of-the-box ideas.

  • Shawn X. Quan is a doctoral student in management at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business. Her research focuses on how nonwork factors, including social class and extracurricular activities, impact employee’s work. Her four-legged canine companion is named Popcorn.

  • Kira Schabram is an assistant professor at the University of Washington’s Foster School of Business and the Evert McCabe Endowed Fellow in Private Enterprise. She studies ways to maximize employee sustainability and shares her home with two cats and countless foster pets.

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