Al-Sisi, Harris reject forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and US Vice President Kamala، emphasized the need to prevent the escalation of the Gaza conflict, safeguard civilians from harm, and categorically reject the forced displacement of Palestinians. 

The two leaders met Saturday on the sidelines of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28) in Dubai, reaffirming their mutual aspiration to maximize coordination and consultation across all areas of bilateral cooperation, as well as on a range of shared political and security concerns.

The US expressed its gratitude and appreciation for Egypt’s tireless and sincere efforts to facilitate a ceasefire and prisoner exchange, as well as its pivotal role in delivering humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza.

Both sides acknowledged the gravity of the current situation.

President Al-Sisi highlighted the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip and called for immediate action by the international community to provide urgent humanitarian and relief assistance to alleviate the suffering of the Strip’s residents. 

He underscored the imperative of restoring calm, maintaining a ceasefire, and Egypt’s unwavering rejection of collective punishment policies that violate international humanitarian law.

President Al-Sisi reiterated Egypt’s unwavering position on the settlement of the Palestinian issue, stressing the need for a just and comprehensive solution that upholds the rights of the Palestinian people and establishes their independent state in accordance with international legitimacy.

Harris underscored their unwavering commitment to bolstering and deepening the longstanding strategic partnership between Egypt and the United States, a cornerstone of regional security and stability in the Middle East.

Additional Meetings with World Leaders

In addition to his meeting with US Vice President Harris, President Al-Sisi held a series of bilateral encounters with his counterparts from Armenia, Tanzania, Norway, and Italy.

The discussions with these leaders focused on climate change, regional issues of shared interest, and the recent flare-up of violence in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The leaders expressed deep regret for the resumption of hostilities and the loss of civilian lives, condemning the targeting and killing of civilians in any form.

President Al-Sisi reiterated Egypt’s unwavering commitment to promoting calm, stressing the need to safeguard civilians while seeking a viable political solution to the Palestinian issue based on a two-state solution.

The leaders emphasized that the only way to resolve the current crisis is to pursue a just and comprehensive settlement of the Palestinian issue based on a two-state solution.

 They underscored the urgent need for a ceasefire to address the dire humanitarian consequences of the ongoing military operations on the lives of civilians and mitigate the broader security and political implications for regional stability.

President Al-Sisi reaffirmed Egypt’s ongoing efforts to coordinate regional and international efforts to promote calm and facilitate the delivery of relief assistance to the Gaza Strip, sparing the Palestinian people from further suffering.

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