Kings emerge as Pascal Siakham suitor for Raptors in latest NBA trade rumor

The Sacramento Kings are a serious suitor for Toronto Raptors forward Pascal Siakam, according to a new report from NBA insider Shams Charania. The Raptors recently traded OG Anunoby to the New York Knicks, and could be looking to move another key piece of their core in Siakam with the two-time All-Star in the final year of his contract.

Update Friday night: According to a new report from Shams, the Kings are pulling out of the Siakam talks:

The Sacramento Kings are deciding to pull out of the Pascal Siakam talks, sources say. Things can be fluid, but Kings-Raptors talks are now over.

— Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) January 6, 2024

Siakam turns 30 years old in April. He’s had a slight dip in production as he’s struggled to shoot from the outside (28.8 percent from three-point range on 3.7 attempts per game) and Toronto has run more actions through younger teammate Scottie Barnes. He was an All-Star as recently as last season, and was of course a key piece in the Raptors’ 2019 NBA championship team. A 6’8, 230-pound forward with a 7’3 wingspan, Siakam has had a reputation as a strong defender for years, though his defensive metrics have slipped a bit this season.

Here’s the report from Charania:

It was reported earlier in the day that the Kings are making Harrison Barnes, Kevin Huerter, and Davion Mitchell available in a trade, according to Jake Fischer of Yahoo! Sports. Those three players for Siakam works as a trade salary-wise. The Kings also own all of their future first round picks beyond 2024.

Siakam’s next contract is perhaps the biggest piece of the pie. What’s it going to take to re-sign him? Will he still be worth a near-max deal as he ages if he can’t improve his jump shot?

In Sacramento, Siakam would form a ‘big three’ alongside De’Aaron Fox and Domantas Sabonis. The Kings are currently 20-13 overall, and rank No. 13 in offense and No. 16 in defense. They would be the No. 5 seed in the West if the season ended today.

This deal could make sense for both sides. How many first round picks does Sacramento have to throw in? What sort of protections would they have? There’s a path to a trade here, but it would have to take place before the NBA trade deadline on Feb. 8.

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