Perak Fire and Rescue Dept: Woman found dead in locked car in front of hospital

Perak Fire and Rescue Dept: Woman found dead in locked car in front of hospital

Firemen prying open the car door using specialised equipment to get to the woman inside, Ipoh, February 20, 2024. — Picture from X/Bernama

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Tuesday, 20 Feb 2024 11:30 PM MYT

IPOH, Feb 20 — A woman was found dead in a locked car in the parking lot in front of the Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital Specialist Clinic here, today.

Perak Fire and Rescue Department assistant director (Operations) Sabarodzi Nor Ahmad said that the department received the call at 6.07pm before the team arrived at the scene at 6.24pm.

He said firemen pried open the car door using specialised equipment and the victim was given initial treatment by the Ministry of Health (MOH) officials and was confirmed dead.

“When the team arrived at the scene of the incident, it was found that there was a victim locked in a Toyota Camry car. The victim was a 20-year-old woman and was confirmed dead at the scene by the MOH officials,” he said in a statement tonight.


Sabarodzi said that the operation ended at 6.53pm and the case is now under police investigation.

It was understood that the woman was found in the back seat lying down on a pillow. — Bernama


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