How do probes continue ?: FDP General warns of “getting caught” with the Greens

Monday, October 4th, 2021

How will the explorations continue? FDP General warns of “getting caught” with greens

Traffic light or Jamaica: It is still open which constellation will replace the grand coalition. Greens and Free Democrats have to “watch out” so that there is no GroKo re-edition, says FDP General Secretary Wissing. He draws a red line on tax policy. The negotiations will continue tomorrow.

In the struggle to form a government, the FDP continues to vote with the Greens after the first exploratory round. “We also have to be careful that we don’t get caught up with the Greens and the FDP in such a way that there can only be one grand coalition,” said FDP General Secretary Volker Wissing on ZDF. “That’s why things have to be closely coordinated this time.”


When it comes to taxes, things could get difficult in the meantime. The FDP rejects increases and “does not move away from them either”. In principle, tax policy is always a major hurdle for coalitions, that is known. “That was it in the past with the CDU and it is now especially when it comes to talks with the SPD,” said Wissing on ZDF. Everyone knew that before the election, “the programs are clearly different at this point”. In terms of content, they are closer to the Union, “but the Union’s will to implement tax reforms in the past was also rather manageable.

The timetable for further talks

Today’s Monday is expected to be a kind of intermediate day with no publicly known dates, there are no Monday meetings of the party committees this week, but another exploratory round is scheduled for Tuesday, this time between the Union and the Greens . “First of all we are waiting for the talks that the Greens are having with the Union. We will then do our internal evaluation, we will also compare it – because there must be no entanglement between the Greens and the FDP. “If the Greens and the Union had their upcoming conversation, he was in favor of” drawing an interim balance sheet and an interim decision hits “, said Wissing.


Then it should be decided whether further exploratory rounds are required or whether decisions are made in the direction of formal coalition talks. Only in such formal negotiations would the contract details be negotiated either for a traffic light coalition of the SPD, Greens and FDP or for a so-called Jamaica alliance of the Union, Greens and FDP.

On Sunday afternoon the SPD explored by Chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz first with the FDP and then with the Greens in the evening. The union of party leader Armin Laschet explored in the evening in parallel with the FDP. In the days before, the exploratory teams from the Greens and the FDP had already met twice.

Everyone wants a new departure

On Sunday after the meeting, all sides announced that they wanted a new departure for Germany. It was noticeable how Greens leader Robert Habeck described the relationship with the SPD. At first he emphasized that, unlike his party and the FDP, it was jointly responsible for the government’s work to date – but then he added: “We have also found a willingness in the SPD and found that we should actually start all over again, with a dynamic kindle, which can then perhaps solve the remaining problems. ”


FDP General Secretary Wissing, in turn, emphasized after the exploratory round with the SPD that there are cliffs and that they are “apart on essential points”. However, both sides are determined to “form a reform government that will bring our country forward”. After the round of talks with the Union, he spoke of “few cliffs in terms of content”.

However, the decisions of the Greens and the FDP for a three-way alliance with one of the two larger partners are also influenced by the quarrels in the Union after its electoral defeat. The previously weak SPD had grown and won the election a week ago with 25.7 percent – the Union fell from once high levels to 24.1 percent. Since then, an argument has raged within the Union about the consequences and Laschet as a leader. More and more politicians from the CDU and CSU are calling for a new structure in terms of content and personnel. Above all, it seems questionable whether this should be carried out immediately or depending on whether the government can still be saved.

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