Bauchi Rewards Community With 200 Bags Of Rice For Preventing Looting

The government of Bauchi State has applauded Daben Kasuwa community in Ganjuwa Local Government Area (LGA) for safeguarding a fallen trailer loaded with grains against looting.

For a commendable display of integrity, the community was awarded 200 bags of rice and millet as a token of appreciation.

This act of communal vigilance became widely acknowledged following a viral social media video that captured the villagers protecting the overturned truck from potential looters.

Governor Bala Muhammad, represented by the Commissioner of Culture and Tourism, Abdu Hassan, during the reward ceremony, lauded the residents of Daben Kasuwa for their exceptional behavior, contrasting sharply with recent incidents of mass looting in various parts of Nigeria fueled by rising food prices and widespread hunger.

The governor’s accolades were specifically directed towards the youth of Daben Kasuwa, acknowledging their role in positively distinguishing the LGA and Bauchi State at large.

On behalf of the community, Sarkin Daben Kasuwa Malam Sanusi Sale expressed gratitude towards the state’s recognition and reward.

He highlighted the community’s long-standing record of peace and low crime rates, and seized the opportunity to appeal to the government for the provision of essential services such as clean water, education, electricity, and healthcare facilities in Daben Kasuwa.

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